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Vircell introduces VIRClia, its new product line

The monotest multiparmetric solution to infectious serology

On July 11, Vircell organized in its new facilities in Granada a pre-release demonstration of its new product line, VIRClia. Distributors from Argentina, Germany, France, Italy, Scandinavia, Russia, Portugal and Czech Republic grace us with their presence.

All attendees showed great interest in VIRClia Monotest given the high sensitivity and accurate results offered. They also agreed that, with the custom setup of samples and reagents, VIRClia Monotest is the automated solution for both urgent samples and low volume analysis.

VIRClia is a new product line based on chemiluminescence technology. The reaction wells and specific reagents of the assay are supplied as individual cartridges (8 wells) under the principle of one test per cartridge that fits in a standard 96-well microplate. The versatility of VirClia Monotest results in a kit that perfectly adapts to the needs of any laboratory and greatly facilitates the work of the technician.